Encyclopedia Rohamaa
Rohamaa is a colorful world of modern magic, with a wide variety of creatures and peoples spanning its surface. From the gleaming towers of Beacon City, to the lush rain forests of the Brillo Jungle, Rohamaa’s inhabitants have tamed the wild magic of the world to create comfortable and exciting lives for themselves. However, the world is far from explored, and many pockets of wilderness persist, waiting for brave and resourceful Wanderers to uncover their secrets.
Regions of Rohamaa
The diverse web of environments that make up the continent, each bathed in the influence of a Monolith.
Regions of Rohamaa
The diverse web of environments that make up the continent, each bathed in the influence of a Monolith.
Aberrant Zone
The Aberrant Zone, also known as the Scarred Lands or the Aberrant Sea, is located on the eastern edge of the southern subcontinent. This region was once a thriving part of the land but was irreparably damaged during the Cataclysm, transforming it into a nightmarish wasteland. The Aberrant Zone includes both the corrupted lands along its border and the adjacent Aberrant Sea, making it the most dangerous regions in Rohamaa, classified as an S-Rank Threat Area by the Wanderer's Union.
The Aberrant Zone is defined by its warped and hostile terrain. The land is a chaotic mixture of barren deserts, empty rivers, jagged crystalline growths, and pulsating, corrupted flora. The sky is perpetually shrouded in a stormy haze, with occasional bursts of unnatural auroras. The Aberrant Sea, on the other hand, is a glowing, tainted body of water with blackened shores and jagged rocks. Its depths are said to harbor monstrous leviathans and strange, otherworldly phenomena. Aberrance saturates the entire region, warping the natural Aether and making Sorcery extremely dangerous and unpredictable within its borders.
Aether Forest
Aether Forest is a region of thick foliage and tall trees that block out the sunlight. It is a wild and mostly untamed place with powerful illusory magics that permeate the air, making it a dangerous region to travel through unprepared. It is home to the city-state of Aetherhaven, or Haven for short, which stands as a safe place to rest for any who pass through the region due to its protective magics. The forest is considered a high-level threat zone.
The forest is a relatively cool place, being positioned on the continent’s northern half, and usually reaches a high of 75 degrees in the Summer and a low of -25 degrees in the Winter. Due to the thick canopy of trees and foliage, most animals and monsters rely on darkvision and are active at night, using their superior senses to track down unsuspecting prey.
Brillo Jungle
The Brillo Jungle is a region of dense, leafy jungle that glows with a soft bioluminescence. The monsters and creatures that live there also glow in a variety of colors, making the jungle a vibrant location. It is home to many settlements, as well as its city-state, Calor, which is located on its eastern border. The monsters in the region are considered mid-level, and should be properly considered when traveling off-road.
The jungle is somewhat humid and warm, reaching highs of 95 degrees in the Summer and lows of 55 degrees in the Winter. The jungle’s thick canopy and lush foliage trap heat and moisture, creating a self-sufficient ecosystem with a wide variety of animals and plants. Monsters and animals that call this region home utilize their bioluminescence to hunt for prey, luring smaller creatures in with bright and mesmerizing colors before striking from the shadows.
Celestria is a region characterized by its strong winds, as well as its rolling hills and grassy plains, with a network of crystal clear rivers and lakes running throughout. It is home to many settlements, as well as Celestria City, the region’s resident city-state. The region is considered a low-level threat zone, with relatively weak monsters and traversable terrain, making settlement and travel safe and affordable to most of its inhabitants.
Celestria’s climate is fairly moderate, with temperatures as high as 85 degrees in the Summer and 20 degrees in the Winter, and is unnaturally windy. Most of the region is covered in tall, emerald green grass that flourishes under the bright sunlight. The region’s wildlife and monster population generally rely on stealth and speed to hunt, making use of this grass to mask their movements.
Elysian Isles
The Elysian Isles are a chain of floating islands situated over a single, massive island in the southern portion of the Sapphire Ocean. The region is characterized by its flying fauna, which are empowered by the islands’ Monolith. It is not home to any city-states or settlements, due to the shifting nature of the islands, but is hospitable for those able to traverse the skies. The region is classified as a high-level threat zone, due to its powerful monsters and dangerous terrain.
The Isles are relatively cool due to their altitude, reaching highs of 80 in the Summer and lows of 15 in the Winter. The islands are covered in wild grasses, flowers, and coniferous trees. Light snowfall is common during the colder seasons, but for most of the year, the islands are pleasant. The region’s monsters and wildlife utilize their anti-gravity to travel through the skies and waters, hunting and foraging amongst the islands.
The Emberlands are a chain of volcanic mountains that stand at the southern edge of the Aberrant Zone. The area is a hotspot for geothermal activity, and is a popular tourist destination for spa-goers and welfare enthusiasts, due to its wide variety of hot springs. It is home to a small number of settlements, overseen by Embertower, its resident city-state. The region is classified as a mid-level threat zone, due to the strength of its monsters and its hazardous environment.
The Emberlands are very warm, currently holding the title of hottest region of Rohamaa. The area consistently reaches highs of 110 in the Summer, and lows of 75 in the Winter. The mountains and lava fields that make up the region are covered in a thin layer of ash, and the air smells of sulfur and iron. The region’s monsters utilize control over fire and magma to hunt for prey and defend themselves.
The Heartlands is a region composed of sprawling grasslands to the north and arid desert to the south. The grasslands are extremely fertile, and produce the largest quantity of grain on the continent. The desert, also known as the Sapphire Coast, features soft sand dunes broken up by red rock formations, and is home to the city-state of Maridania. The region is a low-level threat zone, and its monsters are relatively weak, though some stronger variants can be found further north.
The Heartlands are very warm, especially the Sapphire Coast, which reaches highs of 105 in the Summer and lows of 25 in the Winter. The grasslands reach highs of 90 in the Summer, and 65 in the Winter. Many scholars consider the grasslands and the desert to be two separate regions, but the leading school of thought states that they are both part of the Heartlands, due to the presence of the Heartlands Monolith’s influence in both areas.
Radiant Isles
The Radiant Isles are a chain of islands situated off the western coast of the southern subcontinent. The islands themselves and the mainland forest that is considered a part of the region are bathed in constant sunlight due to the effects of the region’s Monolith. The Isles are considered a mid-level threat zone, with relatively strong monsters inhabiting the many smaller islands and waters surrounding the region.
The Isles are tropical, with highs reaching 95 in the Summer, and lows reaching 60 in the Winter. The islands are covered in a yellowish grass, with sparse deciduous trees scattered amongst them. The region’s monsters use radiant energies in combat, either reflecting or emitting the Monolith’s light at their prey.
Sapphire Ocean
The Sapphire Ocean is the warmest ocean on the planet, and is considered a region due to its Monolith. It is located on the southwestern edge of the continent, adjacent to the Radiant Isles, the Sapphire Coast, Celestria, and the Elysian Isles. It is home to two settlements of aquatic Demons, but does not feature any city-states. The area is considered a mid-level threat zone due to the size and strength of its monsters.
The ocean itself is tropical, with many coral reefs and exotic marine life. The water fluctuates between 60 and 85 degrees throughout the year, reaching its peak during the Summer months. The Sapphire Ocean is made up of three distinct areas; the Shallows, the Depths, and the Elysian Zone. Each area has distinct features, and is progressively more dangerous due to environmental hazards and monsters.
Valk Mountains
The Valk Mountains are a chain of mountains located on the northeastern side of the northern subcontinent. The mountains were once part of the same chain as the Emberlands, but were split from them during the Cataclysm, and are now considered two separate chains with distinct environments. The region is home to the Valk Republic, as well as a rare few other settlements, due to the fact that the region is classified as a high-level threat zone.
The Valk Mountains are covered in snow and ice year-round, making it the coldest region in Rohamaa. The mountains reach highs of 45 in the Summer, and lows of -35 in the Winter, making the region inhospitable for those unprepared to face the deadly cold. The mountains are the only area in the world where Greystone can be found, and many monsters and creatures are extremely resistant to magic due to the presence of the mineral.
Civilizations and Cultures
Everything about the people that inhabit the pockets of civilization scattered about the wild and untamed lands.
Civilizations and Cultures
Everything about the people that inhabit the pockets of civilization scattered about the wild and untamed lands.
City States
The city-states of Rohamaa are vibrant bastions of culture, magic, and resilience, each uniquely shaped by its environment and the people who call it home. Scattered across the continent, they stand as pillars of civilization amidst untamed wilderness and monster-infested regions. From the mystical harmony of Aetherhaven and the fiery industriousness of Embertower, these city-states embody diverse ideals and ambitions. Governed by monarchs, councils, or elected leaders, they balance tradition and innovation, forging identities deeply rooted in their histories while navigating the ever-shifting challenges of their world.
The races of Rohamaa—Alvs, Demons, Rohim, and Warplings—each bring distinct cultures and histories to the world, shaped by their unique origins and traits. The immortal Alvs, descended from beings of starlight, embody ethereal magic, while the enigmatic Demons, born from Cimerian ruins, balance primal strength with individualistic ideals. Rohim, the adaptable and social native people of the land, thrive in four distinct tribes, and the mysterious Warplings, born of chaotic Warp energy, walk a fine line between stability and their volatile origins. Together, they coexist in a land brimming with magic, monsters, and ancient secrets.
Faiths and Beliefs
Rohamaa is a diverse continent filled with a wide variety of cultures, peoples, practices, and faiths. In the modern era, there are five major religions observed by a substantial enough size of the population to be considered an international religion. These are the Faith of the Goddess, the Path of Helia, the Sinarthian Faith, the Urduk Culture, and the Yggdris Faith.
Languages and Names
Common (English)
Spoken by most inhabitants of Rohamaa
Rohamaa's Economy
Usable Currency
The world of Rohamaa uses a common currency in the form of the metal coin system. Coins range from Copper to Platinum, and are valued at scaling amounts the more precious the metal. Copper is the basic unit of currency, used most commonly by those in the lower and middle classes of Rohamaa’s civilizations. Silver is worth 10 Copper, Gold is worth 10 Silver, and Platinum is worth 10 Gold. Regular people often use Copper and rarely use Silver in their day-to-day lives, so most stores and services marketed at a wide variety of peoples will list their prices in one of these currencies. Merchants and businessmen use Silver and Gold more frequently, and will conduct their dealings with these currencies. The upper class and extremely wealthy will use Gold and occasionally Platinum when purchasing high quality goods and services. Civilizations and world powers conduct commerce purely in Platinum.
History and Lore
From the earliest discovered writings in the Heartlands desert to the invention of the Magicomm Network! Discover the events that shaped the Rohamaa of today.
History and Lore
From the earliest discovered writings in the Heartlands desert to the invention of the Magicomm Network! Discover the events that shaped the Rohamaa of today.
Major Events
Read about the important historical events that (literally) shaped the world we live in today.
Stories and Fables
The myths, stories, and legends told to inspire the faithful, scare the greedy, and entertain the children before bedtime.
Monuments and Ruins
Rohamaa is a land steeped in history and mystery, its landscapes dotted with awe-inspiring monuments and enigmatic ruins that tell stories of triumph, tragedy, and the untold secrets of the past.
Magic and Mysteries
Monsters, magic, and mystical phenomena, oh my! Your One-Stop-Shop for information on all of Rohamaa's primal forces of power.
Magic and Mysteries
Monsters, magic, and mystical phenomena, oh my! Your One-Stop-Shop for information on all of Rohamaa's primal forces of power.
Sorcery is the practice of harnessing cosmic energy, known as Flux, to cast spells and magical rituals. Mages that utilize this art, known as Sorcerers, draw and store energy from the stars into their bodies to burn as fuel for their magic. Sorcery is known for its versatility and utility, and its spellcraft relies on mathematics, making it the favored Source for artificers and magical researchers. The process of casting a Sorcery requires three components: a Spark, Flux, and Warp. A Spark is the small bit of life force used by a Sorcerer to ignite the Flux stored within their body, and is the first step in casting a spell. Flux is the stored energy from the stars that is used to fuel these spells. Warp is the byproduct left behind after a spell has been cast. Spells cast using Sorcery must be prepared beforehand due to the complex nature of each spell.
Resonance is the natural energy produced by the movement of Rohamaa's tectonic plates. It is the oldest and most intrinsic of the three fundamental Sources of power in the world, existing independently of Sorcery and Spirit Magic. Resonance permeates every aspect of Rohamaa, shaping its environment and influencing the magic of those attuned to it. This energy is responsible for the creation of Aether, a raw magical byproduct from which monsters are born. Those who harness Resonance as their Source of magic are known as Resonants.
Unlike Sorcery, which relies on cosmic energy, or Spirit Magic, which forms pacts with spiritual entities, Resonance is entirely tied to the physical and geological processes of Rohamaa. Its power is strongest near Monoliths, ancient formations that amplify and emit Resonant energy in unique frequencies.
Spirits are the vestigial remnants of a deceased creature, sometimes referred to as “souls” (though this is technically incorrect due to the existence of a scientifically provable soul in all sentient creatures, which is separate from their Spirit). When a creature dies, its Spirit is free to wander the Boundary Lands, which is the mirror dimension of the Material Plane in which all Spirits reside. Most Spirits are simply motes of energy that are aligned with a specific elemental force. However, Spirits that belonged to sentient creatures, known as Greater Spirits, retain their original personalities and memories from life, and hold a great deal of power compared to their lesser cousins. Not all sentient creatures become Greater Spirits after death, as a great deal of emotional energy is required to successfully retain one’s id, ego, and superego during the transition from life to death.
Monsters in Rohamaa are a unique phenomenon, serving as both the apex of the world's ecosystem and a subject of considerable mystery. Unlike traditional fauna in other worlds, monsters are beings composed entirely of solidified Aether, the latent magical energy permeating all things. Their physiology, behavior, and origins make them fundamentally distinct from the Animar and Spirits that inhabit the world.
Monsters exhibit a remarkable variety of forms, ranging from small, insectoid scavengers to titanic, draconic apex predators. Despite this diversity, all monsters share a few universal traits:
Relics and Enchanted Items
Enchanted Items
Enchanted Items are magical objects created through the careful application of Sorcery. These items are widespread and primarily used in daily life for conveniences such as household appliances and public infrastructure. Common examples of Enchanted Items include refreezerators, spellphones, and cleansing stones. These items bring ease and efficiency to the world’s populace, yet they come with limitations. Enchanted Items are relatively fragile, requiring constant maintenance to function properly. Due to their delicate nature, they are unsuitable for use in combat or any rough environments.
Potion Brewing
Potion brewing is not merely a craft—it is an art form, a dance with the unseen forces of the world. This ancient practice, passed down through generations of brewers, transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. To brew a potion is to unlock the latent magic woven into the very fabric of existence.
From Unions to Evil Crime Syndicates, learn about the different groups of people that make Rohamaa's social and political landscape interesting.
More organizations to be released in future editions...
From Unions to Evil Crime Syndicates, learn about the different groups of people that make Rohamaa's social and political landscape interesting.
The Wanderers Union
What Is A Wanderer?
A Wanderer is a profession held by many skilled individuals, involving the completion of requests for rewards. Wanderers are those with personal combat skills and experience, as well as knowledge of many niche skills with a variety of applications. As the majority of requests are combat related, Wanderers generally focus on honing their prowess on the field of battle, allowing them to grow stronger and rise through the ranks of the Union.
Amethyst Wings
The Dragon Knights of Calor
The Amethyst Wings (Alas de Amatista) are a prestigious and elite knightly order of dragon riders serving directly under the Campereina of Calor. They are the protectors of the city and its people, bound by an ancient oath to honor, wisdom, and peace.
More organizations to be released in future editions...
Player Characters
Read about the main characters of the stories set in the fantastical world of Rohamaa!
Player Characters
Read about the main characters of the stories set in the fantastical world of Rohamaa!
The Chroma Critters
An unlikely band of Wanderers brought together by fate, adventure, and a shared belief in protecting what matters most. Coda Tecuhtli, a knightly Melona Rohim, is a steadfast optimist who sees the good in everyone, even when he shouldn’t. Gallo Tecuhtli, a bison-horned Demon, is his fiercely loyal brother-in-arms, a protector driven by a love for ancient ruins and an unshakable duty to those he calls family. Papaya Felsen, a slug Demon druid, walks the path of nature and spirit, seeking the truth behind the corruption threatening her jungle home. Wurm, a curious and chaotic Warpling scholar, pursues knowledge like a moth to flame, unraveling the mysteries of their own existence while keeping an ever-growing list of experiments (and spawnlings) in tow. Though wildly different in personality and background, together they form a colorful, chaotic, and unwavering force, bound not by blood, but by the adventures they share.
Interactive Tools
Maps, Timelines, and even some fun Generators, all for your personal use as an explorer of Rohamaa!
Interactive Tools
Maps, Timelines, and even some fun Generators, all for your personal use as an explorer of Rohamaa!
Timelines and Calendars
Study the pivotal moments in the history of Rohamaa, from its earliest civilizations to the transformative events that shaped its cultures, landscapes, and peoples.
Maps and Charts
More maps to be released in future editions...
Random Generators
More generators to be released in future editions...
All the auxiliary sources of info or other campaign-related things!
All the auxiliary sources of info or other campaign-related things!
Campaign Recordings
Audio recordings of sessions, starting with the Chroma Critters!
Redbubble Shop
Here is the link to the cozywizardart Redbubble Shop!
Classes and Subclasses
Encyclopedia Rohamaa Second Edition, Published February 16, 2025